Upcoming Workshop: Behavioral Insights and Nudging

Smart designs, settings and services change how we perceive options and ultimately affect our behaviors. Behavioral insights organize these effects in a systematic way and provide a wide range of nudging applications to better achieve an organization’s goals. Well-known examples at the company level are healthy workplace designs, nudges to de-bias recruitment decisions or to increase job satisfaction.
During the the workshop “Behavioral Insights and Nudging”, our director Dr. Julia Stauf will present best practice examples and explain how to recognize behavioral problems, how to develop and test nudges and how to implement them to achieve better outcomes.
The workshop is customized for creative professionals, strategists and change managers and will take place on 19/02/2020 at THAK Thuringia, the network of creative founders in Erfurt, Germany. Further information and registration details can be found here: https://thueringen-kreativ.de/thak/event-post/thak-workshop-behavioral-insights-und-nudging/
If you are also interested in our Behavioral Insights Workshop or a specialized training for your employees, please get in touch with us. We are always happy to customize our trainings to your specific needs, objectives and target audience.