7th Behavioral Economics and the Seven Deadly Sins

Over the next weeks, our Managing Director Dr. Manuel Schubert will organize the 7th annual seminar on “Behavioral Economics and the Seven Deadly Sins” at Passau University, Germany.
Starting in 2014, this introductory seminar covers a broad range of topics in behavioral economics: why do we fail to stick to our plans, why do we trust others, when do we care for others, how do we perceive chance, or how do moral judgements influence our actions?
Participants engage in interactive experiments to replicate research designs and procedures in class. Coursework is completed by writing short research papers related to real-world problems.
The seminar is part of Passau University’s broader curriculum in behavioral economics, encompassing classes in Behavioral Game Theory, Behavioral Public Economics, Health, Development and Public Policy, Organizational Behavior, Economics of Corruption, Experimental Economics and Natural and Field Experiments. Learn more on https://www.wiwi.uni-passau.de/en/.