V20 Communiqué: What is the impact of values?

Nov 27, 2020

Over the course of 2020, the Values20 community has developed a comprehensive set of Policy Briefs building on behavioral insights from all around the world to demonstrate the impact of values on people’s behaviors.

The V20 Communiqué represents the consolidated output of these efforts. It outlines V20’s human-centric approach towards public policy and presents a set of evidence-based policy recommendations to overcome twelve key challenges of the G20.

Content overview

  1. Showcasing the ‘Value’ of Values (pp. 3-4)
  2. Our Rationale: Human-Centric Public Policy (pp. 5-7).
  3. Our 2020 Mandate: The V20 Priority Areas in 2020 (pp. 8-10).
  4. V20 Policy Recommendations (pp. 11-17)
  5. Concluding Remarks (pp. 18-19)

Click here or below to download the V20 Communiqué.

For more information on Values20 and the engagement process in 2021, visit https://values20.org/.

Behavioral Insights Germany and Saudi Arabia

V20 Policy Brief: How values help to advance global and national goals

Insights from the V20 Task Force on Global Values.

Values are part of the social capital of a nation. They play a pivotal role in shaping the decisions and behaviors of citizens and hence are a key determinant of social cohesion and the ability of a society to advance its socio-economic development inclusively.

This Policy Brief focusses on the “value of values” and advocates for a general paradigm shift in how conscious values are viewed and integrated into policy. It provides evidence regarding how values have proven to be instrumental for economic cooperation and social development and can contribute to achieving the goals of the G20.

Content overview

  1. Introduction (pp. 4-5): The value of values
  2. Shared Truth (pp. 6-12): How can societies be better equipped to fight misinformation? Dr. Manuel Schubert, Prof. Dr. Maha Bashri, Prof. Dr. Cyril Jayet, Eric Vautrin, Dr. Julia Stauf
  3. Mutual Trust (pp. 13-19): How to restore interpersonal and public trust? Dr. Manuel Schubert, Dr. Julia Stauf, Prof. Dr. Cyril Jayet, Eric Vautrin, Dania Koleilat Khatib, PhD
  4. Global Responsibility (pp. 20-27): How can coordinated action help to counter a diffusion of responsibility? Dr. Manuel Schubert, Najla Al-Ariefy, Dr. Julia Stauf, Olina Parrish, Aisha Fallatah, Dania Koleilat Khatib, PhD
  5. Human Empowerment (pp. 28-34): How can governments activate and nurture human empowerment? Prof. Dr. Ronald Fischer, Eric Vautrin, Naif AlAyed, Hussam Al Harbi, Dr. Basma Altuwaijri
  6. Collaborative Innovation (pp. 35-42): How can complex societal problems be solved through collaborative innovation processes? Prof. Dr. Henrique Castro

Click here or below to download the Policy Brief.

For more information on Values20 and the engagement process in 2021, visit https://values20.org/.

Behavioral Insights Germany and Saudi Arabia

V20 Policy Brief: How values shape organizational outcomes

Insights and recommendations from the V20 Task Force on Leadership Values

Values are the backbone of any organization. They have significant leverage over the quality and timely provision of organizational outputs. Values influence organizational performance, innovation, and resilience.

This V20 Policy Brief outlines specific values and leadership approaches that strengthen the position that understanding, developing, and leading with the right values is critical to sustainable global development.

Content overview

  1. Introduction (pp. 4-5): Marwan Aljahani and Pamela Doherty.
  2. Values-Driven Leadership (pp. 6-11): How to support transformation? Stefano Petti, Niko Stampfl, Fredrik Lyhagen, Waleed Al-Rashed
  3. Appreciative Leadership (pp. 12-16): Which processes can initiate stakeholder dialogue? Prof. Dr. Michael Manning, Dr. James Ludema, Amber A. Johnson, Ph.D.
  4. Commitment to Enabling Values-Driven Leadership (pp. 17-21): How can leaders voice values? Prof. Dr. Mary Gentile
  5. Systemic Stewardship (pp. 22-30): How can organizations become stewards of societal systems? Fyodor Ovchinnikov, Dr. Krzysztof Dembek, Niran Jiang, Mohammed AlOmrani, Dr. Marco Tavanti
  6. Leadership Integrity (pp. 31-38): How can integrity exert transformative effects? Patricia Berba, Niko Stampfl, Esperide Ananas
  7. Gender Equality (pp. 39-44): How to sanitize HR processes from biases? Mozah Al-Otaibi, Dr. Lama AlSulaiman, Niran Jiang, Mohammed Kabbani, Dr. Julia Stauf, Dr. Manuel Schubert
  8. Employee Responsibility (pp. 45-50): How to reduce the misuse of financial resources? Mozah Al-Otaibi, Prof. Dr. Huda Aldulaijan, Dr. Manuel Schubert, Dr. Julia Stauf

Click here or below to download the Policy Brief.

For more information on Values20 and the engagement process in 2021, visit https://values20.org/.

Behavioral Insights Germany and Saudi Arabia

V20 Policy Brief: How values boost wellbeing

Insights and policy recommendations from the V20 Task Force on Quality of Life.

Values are the essence of any society. They are part of national identities, influence the internal moral compass of people and form social norms, all of which are necessary prerequisites for general wellbeing.

This V20 Policy Brief demonstrates that the promotion of specific values can advance quality of life and can significantly contribute to achieving the ambitious goals set by the G20.

Content overview

  1. Introduction (pp. 4-5): Albara Al-Auhali and Dr. Krzysztof Dembek
  2. Self-direction (pp. 6-11): How to create the conditions in which people can successfully create and innovate? Prof. Dr. Anat Bardi, Prof. Dr. Julie Lee, Eng. Bassam AlKharashi
  3. Self-control for health and finance (pp. 12-18): How to help people in pursuing their personal goals consistently over time? Dr. Julia Stauf, Dr. Manuel Schubert, Dr. Anja Reitemeyer
  4. Proactive self-care (pp. 19-24): How to transition from the current sick care models to systems that promote prevention and disease reversal? Dr. Maliha Hashmi
  5. Interpersonal solidarity (pp. 25-31): How to mobilize interpersonal solidarity at scale? Prof. Dr. Julie Lee, Prof. Dr. Anat Bardi, Dr. Julia Stauf, Dr. Manuel Schubert
  6. Values-based Education (pp. 32-36): How to develop ethical intelligence through education? Dr. Neil Hawkes
  7. Social Connectedness (pp. 37-42): How to overcome societal divides by promoting similarities and shared? Dr. Lukas Wolf, Prof. Dr. Greg Maio

Click here or below to download the Policy Brief.

For more information on Values20 and the engagement process in 2021, visit https://values20.org/.

Behavioral Insights Germany and Saudi Arabia

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